Under the Banner of Heaven
2022Under the Banner of Heaven is an American true crime drama television miniseries created by Dustin Lance Black based on the nonfiction book of the same name by Jon Krakauer. It premiered on April 28, 2022, on FX on Hulu. Andrew Garfield and Gil Birmingham star as two detectives investigating a brutal murder seemingly connected to Mormonism. The series, while reigniting controversy in the Mormon faith, received praise from critics. [Source: Wikipedia]
- Main Cast
- Andrew Garfield, Gil Birmingham, Adelaide Clemens, Sandra Seacat, Daisy Edgar-Jones, Billy Howle, Wyatt Russell, Chloe Pirrie, Sam Worthington, Denise Gough, Seth Numrich, Rory Culkin, Christopher Heyerdahl, Megan Leitch, Taylor St. Pierre
- Creator
- Dustin Lance Black
- Produced By
- FX on Hulu
- Release Date
- April 28, 2022