American Vandal
2018American Vandal is an American mockumentary television series created by Dan Perrault and Tony Yacenda that premiered on September 15, 2017 on Netflix. The series is a satire of true crime documentaries such as Making a Murderer and Serial. In October 2017, Netflix renewed the series for an eight-episode second season, that is set to premiere on September 14, 2018.
The first season follows the aftermath of a costly high school prank that left 27 faculty cars vandalized with phallic images. Senior "class clown" Dylan Maxwell is accused of the crime by the school. He is expelled, but an investigation into the incident is launched by sophomore Peter Maldonado, with help from his friend Sam Ecklund, to uncover whether Dylan was the one truly behind the crime.
The second season is set to follow Peter and Sam as they investigate a new crime at a Catholic private high school after their cafeteria's lemonade is contaminated with laxatives by someone calling themselves "The Turd Burglar".
Source [Wikipedia]
- Main Cast
- Tyler Alvarez, Griffin Gluck, Jimmy Tatro, Travis Tope, Melvin Gregg, Lukas Gage
- Creator
- Dan Perrault / Tony Yacenda
- Produced By
- Netflix
- Release Date
- September 14, 2018