Alice in Borderland
2020Alice in Borderland is based on a survival and thriller manga (originally published in Weekly Shonen Sunday S / Weekly Shonen Sunday) by HARO ASO, directed by Shinsuke Sato and co-starring Kento Yamazaki (Kingdom, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K) and Tao Tsuchiya (Library Wars: BOOK OF MEMORIES, Mare).Arisu—a listless, jobless and video-game-obsessed young man—suddenly finds himself in a strange, emptied-out version of Tokyo in which he and his friends must compete in dangerous games in order to survive. In this strange world, Arisu meets Usagi, a young woman who’s navigating the games alone. Together, they set out to unravel one mystery after another as they risk their lives and confront what it means to live.[Source: Netflix]
- Main Cast
- Kento Yamazaki, Tao Tsuchiya, Nijiro Murakami
- Creator
- Shinsuke Sato, Yoshiki Watabe, Yasuko Kuramitsu
- Creator
- Directed by Shinsuke Sato
- Produced By
- Netflix
- Release Date
- December 10, 2020