Tales From The Loop
2020Tales from the Loop follows the interconnected lives of the residents in the fictional town of Mercer, Ohio. Mercer is home to the Mercer Center for Experimental Physics, an underground facility known as the Loop. It is here that researchers attempt to "make the impossible possible". [About] Tales from the Loop is an American science fiction drama television series developed and written by Nathaniel Halpern based on the art book of the same name by Swedish artist Simon Stålenhag. The eight-episode first season was released in its entirety on Amazon Prime Video on April 3, 2020. [Source: Wikipedia]
- Main Cast
- Rebecca Hall, Abby Ryder Fortson, Paul Schneider, Emjay Anthony
- Creator
- Nathaniel Halpern
- Produced By
- Amazon Prime Video
- Release Date
- April 03, 2020