From Scratch
2022From Scratch is an upcoming American drama limited series created by Attica Locke and Tembi Locke based on Tembi Locke's memoir of the same name for Netflix. Attica Locke serves as showrunner of the series, which stars Zoe Saldaña and consists of eight episodes. From Scratch is set to premiere on October 21, 2022. [Source: Wikipedia]
- Main Cast
- Zoe Saldaña, Eugenio Mastrandrea, Danielle Deadwyler, Keith David, Kellita Smith, Judith Scott, Lucia Sardo, Paride Benassai, Roberta Rigano
- Creator
- Attica Locke, Tembi Locke
- Produced By
- Netflix
- Release Date
- October 21, 2022