Ayala Malls Circuit Lane, Makati
3rd Level, Main Mall inside Telecom Center, Theater Drive, Ayala Malls Circuit, Circuit Makati Hippodromo St. corner A.P. Reyes Avenue, Brgy. Carmona, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
- ServicesComputers / Phones / GadgetsPaymentCash Credit CardDataBlitz is an ALL-Original computer & video games, software, consoles and accessories retailer present in various locations throughout the Philippines.
We carry software, games and accessories for the PC & Mac and video games, systems and accessories for all the various console gaming platforms: the Sony Playstation 2, the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP), the Sony Playstation 3 (PS3), the Microsoft Xbox 360, the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo Wii.