Eastwood, Quezon City
2nd Level, Eastwood Mall Orchard Road, Bagumbayan, Eastwood City, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
- ServicesClothing / FashionPaymentCash Credit CardGiordano Philippines under TFB Inc. is one of the country's longest-standing retail company with a business that involves importation, retailing and distribution of the popular Hong Kong brand Giordano, a casual apparel line catering to men, women and children. Immediately after its introduction into the local scene in the 1989, Giordano was able to conquer the market for casual wear. Backed-up with the prestige of an international brand and a competitive price point, the brand now has over 40 outlets across the Philippines.
Giordano as an international brand has gone through several reinventions during the previous years but what always was still is... great quality and service. With a very reliable past and a strong vision of the future, Giordano locally and globally now transcends from basic casual wear provider to THE go-to-store for quality and stylish casual coordinates.