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Diablo - Trailer

Cinemalaya 2012
New Breed Full-Length Feature Category

This is the story of Lusing, mother to five grown up sons who have distinct characters and professions of their own. Her children would occasionally come by for a visit. Each son comes for a specific purpose with different stories to share. Never has there been a chance that all five siblings came together nor met each other. The only moment they will gather as a family would be when one son is stabbed to death by a drunken loony while on a pilgrimage. Aling Lusing is a representation of the typical Filipina mother of perpetual help – caring and loving to a fault, gentle and generous, passive and pious. In spite of her frailty and her sons’ failures, she remains strong and steadfast, never ceasing to listen to their endless woes as well as wonders. She is always there for them to offer comfort in every crisis.

Duration: 00:34

Published: Jul 9, 2012 12:00 AM
