Love na babalik-balikan: Skater girl circles McDonald’s Ride-Thru for a heart-fluttering reason

Apart from the film’s cute twist at the end, what was even more pleasantly surprising was how McDonald’s broke category conventions by featuring a GL (Girl Love) story. When asked about the creation of the ad, McDonald’s Corporate Relations Director, Adi Hernandez shares, “Despite its rare representation locally, it was important that this love story is depicted as a regular, everyday occurrence at McDonald’s Philippines. Gender inclusivity is ingrained in our brand experience from our customers to our employees. No matter who you are, you are welcome and safe to come back here again and again – that’s what we wanted our audience to know.”
And the story behind the effortless acting that made everyone feel giddy? The brand along with its advertising agency, TBWA\SMP, factored in proper representation in casting and tapped a real member of the LGBTQ+ community. “We wanted to do it right, and we wanted to make sure they (the actors) felt comfortable.” says Adi Hernandez.
Last year, McDonald’s gained praises for sponsoring Pride March 2022 and now with this feel-good film, the brand is constantly proving that it’s not shying away from gender inclusivity. What’s next? Adi Hernandez says, “There’s more to come. This is a part of a broader campaign to show our commitment to ensuring McDonald’s continues to be everyone’s happy place.”
And we can’t help but say, we’re lovin’ this step towards inclusivity for McDonald’s.