Cutting Carbs? Kuya Kim knows the rice answer on how to do it properly!

Everyone wants to live healthier. Whenever people wish to adopt a healthier diet, rice is commonly the first one to be eliminated. Yet, as Pinoys, we also love our precious cup of rice! Is there really a need to say goodbye to your fave staple? Kuya Kim knows the rice answer!

As a health enthusiast and a stroke survivor himself, Kuya Kim Atienza has kept his lifestyle and diet balanced– but without letting go of rice. According to Kuya Kim, it’s all about the right amount and the quality of food that you eat. Whether you choose to consume rice or another grain as your carbohydrate source, the key is still moderation. Anything consumed in excessive amounts may not be good for our bodies, but rice in itself is not bad at all. Experts say that rice is a good carbohydrate which gives us energy everyday, and some variants are even a rich source of fiber, thiamin, niacin, potassium, and magnesium that our body needs. Complex carbs are good versus processed carbs and simple carbs that spike glucose levels. Not only does rice provide nutritional benefits, it adds proof that “rice also makes the dish”, with its delicious taste– making it the perfect pair to any mouthwatering dish that Filipinos love.

For those seeking to lose weight, and gain muscle, Kuya Kim advises choosing a rice variant with a low glycemic index and high source of fiber. That’s why he’s glad that there’s Harvester’s®️Brown Rice and Harvester’s®️ Black Rice. By consuming brown or black rice, Kuya Kim is very happy that he can enjoy delicious meals that leave him satisfied and full without experiencing energy dips and hunger pangs during the day. Following a low glycemic diet helps in weight loss, reduction of blood sugar levels, and lowering the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Coming from a family of diabetics, if a particular dish has high amounts of sugar, he stays away from it but if it falls in the lower range of the glycemic index like vegetables, meat, fish and certain fruits, then he eats a lot of it. It’s all about balancing your meals while still enjoying good food.

With Sunnywood Rice’s brands such as Harvester’s Rice, Jordan Farms, and Farmboy, you can take your pick of the different kinds of rice that fit your taste and lifestyle, from jasmine to multigrain to black rice and more. Just remember to follow the experts’ advice of consuming 1 cup per meal (recommendation varies according to your age, build, and dietary needs).
With this delicious new information, partnered with proper diet and exercise, more people now know the rice answer to living healthy, just like Kuya Kim! Don’t forget: “You don’t need to sacrifice your love of rice to live a healthy life. You just need to know the rice answer”.