About the Event
UP JPIA Week 58 is a week-long celebration of UP Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants’ ideals, culture, and achievements. This year, we are focusing on the spirit and enthusiasm of the members of UP JPIA that lead each and every one of us to do work with passion for the last 58 years. The following events during the week are:

Thanksgiving Outreach
April 3 | Katipunan
UP JPIA highlights not just internal development but also contributes to the external development of the community it belongs to. More than its competence among the academic community is its benevolence towards a better society.
April 4-8 | UP Virata School of Business
Gallery launches UP JPIA week, a weeklong event held in its home college, Virata School of Business. The Gallery will feature the living legacies of the organization through its projects and members.
Committee Battle
April 4-6 | UP Virata School of Business
This is a week-long event that instills committee spirit in each of the committees’ members and strengthens camaraderie through exciting challenges. These challenges include social media presence competition and strategic planning, among others.
Grand Pakain
April 5 | UP Virata School of Business
Reflecting the Filipino tradition of giving gratitude, Grand Pakain is a food celebration, and is the organization’s way of giving thanks to the UP community, their main and constant supporters in all its 58 years of excellence.
Culmination Overnight
April 8 | Overlook Resort, Antipolo Rizal
Concluding the week-long celebration is a gathering of the organization's greatest asset, its members and its alumni. One of the main objectives of the organization is member development which results to a career-driven, enthusiastic and healthy relationship among its members and alumni.
Big Event
April 7 | The Lounge, Tomas Morato, Quezon City

This year's Big Event envisions a chill night full of serene music and joyful friends. The Acoustic and Open Mic Night is a celebration of the diverse hues and views of the UP Diliman students and the culmination of this year’s campaign for Right to Know.
Last year’s JPIA Week 57 highlighted the importance to integrate transparency into our daily lives. Now, Week 58 will strengthen the campaign for our Right to Know, promoting financial transparency both within and beyond the university. We move further towards our envisioned society where the values of transparency and accountability are always upheld by those in power.
It is right to know—OUR right to know.
For more details, visit facebook.com/UPJPIA.